WR_Adv_formal e mail


reglas para que nuestro email llegue a su destino (I PARTE) | SamuelDiosdado.com

You receive the following email.

Dear Mr Mitchell,

I am writing in reference to the current situation with the Skipton Airport Project. We have a number of questions which we hope you could answer.

First of all, could you please provide us with an update on where you are on the Skipton Airport Project.

In addition, at the end of our last meeting we requested a copy of the latest project update report. Unfortunately, we have still not received it. We would appreciate it if you could forward this to us.

Could you also please confirm whether the post-installation support covers the equipment 24 hours a day? And what is actually included in the support? In particular, we would like to have confirmation if the cost of parts and labour are included in the package? We require this information as soon as possible.

And lastly, we are considering extending the period of the post-installation support from your company from 6 months to 12 months. We would be very grateful if you could provide us with a quote for this extension.

It would be really appreciated if you could deal with these matters urgently.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Ian McAdam
Development Manager